Biographie et interview dans TM-Research-Archive (Ecal, 2012).
- Née en Ukraine en 1940.
- En 1949, sa famille émigre aux Etats-Unis. « We were immigrants, my family and I. We came to the US in 1949. »
- Etudie à Bâle de 1961 à 66. « I did the foundation year, and then I applied to the Fachklasse [masterclass] and was accepted. Out of 120 people, only 12 were allowed to move up into the course of study in graphic design. »
- 1967: « Zelinsky took up a design position with the city of Kansas City, Missouri. «
- 1969-1975: « She returned to Switzerland in 1969, and was employed by the advertising agency Erwin Halpern, in Zurich, until 1975. »
- 1972: Son travail est montré dans TM Communication 3.
- 1977-2007: « accepted an invitation from the design faculty of the Philadelphia College of Art (now University of the Arts) to develop the drawing curriculum for their graphic design department. »